To fight against the loneliness of the elderly and confront the housing crisis for students, you can find in Lyon a good solution : intergenerational home sharing !
The principle is simple : A single person agrees to open his or her doors to a student in exchange of presence and services like :
- Sharing and help preparing meals, being at home in the evening and week-ends,
- Help for the errands, get the mail.
- Share your passions and discuss together.
- Share moments relaxing outings, reading, board games …
- Help with gardening
- Introduction to Computer skills etc…
Company for one, savings for the other…
The formula has become a model in big French cities like Lyon !
The principle is simple: a person who only agrees to open its doors to host a student at a great price.
In exchange for this form of budget accommodation, the student provides a reassuring presence to the elderly, including most evenings and weekends.
In Lyon, the service ESDES Services Inter-Generations is matching students seeking housing and the elderly in exchange of presence and services.
Students are selected via a personal interview to explore their motivation and know-how or experience.
The student will have to have a great capacity for listening and sharing, openness and a desire to serve.
This hosting service is open to foreign students providing they speak French correctly to allow exchange with the host.
There is much more demand than supply… and the association is therefore looking for lyonese seniors who wish to open their doors.
You can contact Bénédicte Terninck.
06 81 14 82 65